Thursday 17 May 2012

Safe as Houses.

Denzel Washington returned to add yet another thriller to his CV this year with Safe House, an action thriller set in Cape Town.

The movie also stars Ryan Reynolds who arguably plays the main character, Matt Weston, a frustrated man who is stuck in his role running a safe house for the CIA. Denzel plays Tobin Frost, a rogue agent who’s been out there for years evading the CIA. One way or another he ends up captured and lo-and-behold he is introduced to woefully inexperienced Matt.

Unfortunately the US government are fairly inept, according to this movie anyway, and they fail to secure the location and somehow grant every man and his dog in South Africa the knowledge of the safe house’s location. Due to this several armed men force their way into the compound in an attempt to get to Frost. During the inevitable firefight, Matt takes Frost out with him and they head off on the run while the Americans wonder just what to do. 

This represents the best chunk of the movie where Frost tries to get into Matt’s head and largely succeeds. Matt’s job becomes harder and harder as he starts to question his own loyalties towards those above him who it seems would get rid of him at the drop of a hat.

As an action movie Safe House is entertaining enough, it does everything you expect from a thriller but never really goes out of its way to excel. Without the two big stars I doubt this movie would be any good; it’s a credit to them that they pull off the roles very well. 

Having said that though I think the movie benefits from not being set in America. Being set in Cape Town allows action scenes to take place in the slums or in one of the former World Cup stadiums. It definitely makes the movie stand out much more than it would if it were set in some boring American city we’re so used to in action movies nowadays.

As I say, overall I can’t really heap too much praise on it because it is a little generic and predictable, however if you are just looking for a film to entertain you for a couple of hours then you can do far worse than this.

Final verdict: 3 Stars. A safe bet.

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